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REcovery coaches

What is a Recovery Coach?

A Recovery Coach is different than a sponsor. A sponsor volunteers to help their sponsee work through a 12-step program, while a coach focuses on helping the person in recovery make the lifestyle changes necessary to improve their quality of life.

Do You need Recovery Support?

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MOAR partners with
ATR to provide program participants with recovery coaching support.

Massachusetts Access to Recovery (ATR) is a 6-month program designed for individuals who have a substance use disorder (SUD), and who are seeking support with their recovery.


ATR enables participants to create a recovery plan unique to their own needs and choose from a wide range of recovery support services.


Both professionals and peers provide services through a variety of community organizations. 


MOAR partners with the ATR program by providing Recovery Coach services to interested ATR participants in the Boston region.


ATR participants are referred to MOAR by their ATR Coordinator, then MOAR matches the participant with a Recovery Coach that will best meet their needs.


Our coaches meet ATR participants to support their recovery and help them meet identified goals.  

Peer Support & Training

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Peer Support Worker Comparison Chart:

Adult Services Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (DPH/BSAS)

Our MOAR Recovery Coaching Team


Mark Muhammad

Recovery Coach


Mark Armour

Recovery Coach

Headshot of Julie Pike

Julie Pike

Recovery Coach


Casey Carrozza

Recovery Coach


Darrell Wright

Recovery Coach


Mandy Davis

Recovery Coach

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