Addiction Recovery Education Access Services
MOAR has set up A.R.E.A.S., as an educational support system for the recovery community.

Join our A.R.E.A.S. Group - Our Recovery Community Education Support Service
We have learned that advocacy and reducing stigma begins with offering support to people who fear speaking up because they may be viewed as "bad" - and feel intimidated by and/or do not know how to get help.
MOAR first created the A.R.E.A.S curriculum over 20 years ago and continues to revise it on a regular basis. The program is peer led and driven by participating members who choose the topic order. It was designed to strengthen participation in recovery and relapse prevention. The curriculum provides information about common practical problems faced by people in recovery and helps to connect people to the appropriate resources. The goal of A.R.E.A.S. is to give support and leadership development for people to become involved with MOAR in a personal and meaningful way.
Visible, Vocal, Valuable, Victorious
Currently, we hold A.R.E.A.S. groups in Lynn, Lawerence, Worcester, Fall River, Plymouth, New Bedford, Marlborough, Boston, and Brockton.
Click on image for detailed meeting information
How Does AREAS Work?
We meet weekly and center on a curriculum facilitated by a peer,
who has been trained and continues to be coached.
Some of the topics are:
Click on any of the topics below to learn more.

How to Cope with a CORI

Spirituality & Recovery


Multiple Pathways for Recovery

Mental Health and Trauma
Housing and


Family and

Building Values in Recovery